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Houston Weather Today

Severe Weather Risk in Houston TX: Stay Informed

Update: Forecast Predicts Severe Thunderstorms

According to a recent forecast, there is a potential for severe weather today in Houston, Texas. The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a warning of possible thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, and hail.

Residents Advised to Monitor Conditions

Forecasters are urging residents to prepare for adverse weather conditions and monitor local news and weather updates. The NWS recommends that individuals seek shelter in a sturdy building if severe weather approaches. Houston authorities have also advised residents to clear any debris from their yards and secure loose objects that could become airborne in strong winds.

Additional Information and Resources

For more information and up-to-date weather forecasts, visit the following resources:

* Houston Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel * Houston Weather Forecast - National Weather Service * City of Houston Office of Emergency Management
